Friday, September 25, 2009

Friday Flaunt

Yes it is a late flaunt but there is a reason for it..I didn't realise it was Friday already. Just sat down to check the emails and surprise surprise there was Daphne's flaunt.

My flaunt this week is related to last week's flaunt. Rebecca from Patchwork and Quilting at Express Publications has just emailed me to ask if they could take my Confused Wells quilt to a few craft shows as the sample of a project from their upcoming magazine.... As you can well guess my prompt response was a definite yes! So anyone going to Brisbane or Adelaide in the next month or so will be able to check it out in 'real life'.

I was also going to flaunt the 59 charity blocks I made for the NSW guild get away last weekend except they were all 1/4in too small. Note to self - when using someone else's machine be sure to check their 1/4in foot... oh well at least they only need to cut down a few of the other people's blocks to have enough for three quilts!


Fran C said...

All machines are different with their 1/4 foot. We were doing a demo quilt at a quilt show and when I asked a QP person the check the seam I was promptly told no need too all 1/4 seams are the same. Guess whose blocks were all too small.
Love the hidden wells blocks.

aubirdwoman said...

oh you mean I now know someone famous ... congratulations

Dorothy B said...

Wow! You've done well. I do like that quilt, although I get abit of a ehadache when I try to work it out...

Frou said...

We're all going to bask in reflected glory (we knew her when!)...

Have an ongoing argument with a friend about 1/4 feet not all be 1/4 inch... particularly the Janome, she won't have it, but it'll be interesting how things pan out with our shared Dresdens... have warned everyone regardless of people using the same templates, plates are likely to be different sizes!

Julie said...

I will certainly check out your creation in the flesh at the Brisbane show late October! Looking forward to it!