Sunday, February 7, 2010

New Website

Well in case you haven't seen Christine Abela's latest email about her newest website the news is "it's mine!!"
Christine has been working VERY hard to iron out some 'small' (well big really but I hate to admit it :) errors which I somehow incorporated.  After a few very late nights.. thank you Christine, my web site is now live.

If you have some time to spare, check it out and let me know what you think. Personally I love it AND I am totally unbiased, well maybe a little bit.

I still have a lot of patterns to write up and so am planning on uploading a new one at least fortnightly but hopefully weekly until I finish.  I really should have put my head down last year and done it while I had the time off but the year just flew by.

By the way if you are thinking of having a website made I recommend Christine completely. She is very professional and works to what you want.  Very helpful and prompt.... hey you know she is one of those people you like to work with.
So go and check it out...


Sally Westcott said...

One hell of a Flaunt Cinzia!!!!!!

Most impressed. In fact, very impressed! Good luck with your new venture!


Erica Spinks said...

Congratulations on the shiny new website, Cinzia. Good luck with it!