Friday, September 18, 2009

Frenzied Friday

Well two flaunts really. Tomorrow is the first day of my online class at Quilt Campus. Scroll down until you get to Confused Wells and that is my class.

It is my version of Hidden Wells but without the restrictions of strips being a fixed width and blocks being same size and in fact any other restriction. I really like the quilt and in real life it is a lot brighter than this photo shows. I have taught it a few times and all of the students have had success and it is perfect for clearing out the rubbish which we all seem to accumulate in our stash over time.

My second flaunt is this tie quilt. I would love to say that I have finished making all of the blocks but when I lay it out it just screamed that it was too short. So in a few weeks you will see a similar flaunt, I hope, when I finish another four blocks... fingers crossed.


Frummie said...

Great luck with your class.

Fran C said...

Great bright quilt and a interesting version of Hidden Wells.

Dorothy B said...

Like the confused wells - looks so much easier, but also quite intriguing