Friday, October 28, 2011

Frenzied Felix

Now you must agree Felix is the cutest cat you have ever seen?  
I found this lovely book in the local library on crotcheted cats and couldn't resist.... have since bought several other books with different crotchet projects and am having a ball.  I can see a new hobby starting here.  
Paul looks on in amazement at these things and wonders where it will stop and what will I do with them all... who cares it's fun:)


Linda said...

My husband calls them my phases and can tick off on his fingers all those I've been through. IE: crewel embroidery, crocheting, macrame, longstitch, chicken scratch, tatting, knitting, candlewicking, Hardanger, counted cross stitch, smocking, quilting, and all types of garment construction (including making his "Jockey" underwear!). I firmly believe in variety, so you go girl!

Ozjane said...

After the current behavior of ms Mogs I think I need that pattern.
I ended up on the floor last night and this is NOT a good thing.
That cat is arboreal and no wonder she will not discuss her parentage. There is monkey business in there somewhere.
Throws ornaments down from pelmets above doors. Drinks water from my heaviest vase on the table, tips it over and wets new fabric including charm squares. we are not happy. I am not happy. She is fine.