Friday, November 11, 2011

Non- Australian's chance to win a copy of 100 blocks

Only if you are NOT Australian would you mind answering this question...without looking up any sites... I am not interested in knowing if you actually know but I am interested in knowing HOW MANY non-Australians can correctly name the capital of Australia.

My son works for the United Nations, which one would assume would know minor things about the countries of the world.  Anyway his girlfriend is doing a job interview and asked could they please change the location from Afghanistan to Australia as she will be here when they are due to be held.  She was told OK, she could do it in ......... , the capital of Australia.  Yes you guessed it they gave the wrong city.  This city is often listed as the capital of Australia and so I am curious which city/cities non-Australians think is our capital.

Leave you guess below to be in the running to win your copy of Quiltmakers latest fantastic 100 Blocks magazine.  If you don't know you can write that also.  If you don't wish your response to be published just tell me in your comment, you will still be in the draw for the magazine.
Or if you prefer you may simply click on one of the options  in the panel beside and then leave your name below.  I am unable to get the text colour to change for the options but if you highlight them you will see three of the most common options.
Thanks and good luck


Ann Marie @ 16 Muddy Feet said...

I would guess Sydney, but then again I can only name one or two other cities in your country.

Linda said...

Canberra, in ACT - Australian Capitol City

Hoping I'm right since I should know. I've been to Aus four times! (Yes, I know how lucky I am!)

Marion Butler said...

Canberra must be the Capitol of Australia !I love the middle block!!

Anonymous said...


Donna said...

Canberra is the national capital; however, there is a substructure which gives different regions capital cities. The ones I can think of are Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne.

Deb G. in VA said...

I love your block! Sorry, I don't know the capital. But, I would love to visit Australia someday and find out!

Lisa Marie said...

I think a lot of Americans are rather uneducated about the rest of the world. I, for one, do not know the capital of Australia. My 22 year-old son wants to travel the world, so maybe I'll learn some geography from hearing about his adventures. Love your block!

TheStylishHome said...

I am severely geographically challenged.....which means I have NO idea....but I did want to tell you how much I love your block! Congrats on being in the 100 & hope to see more from you in future issues!

Martina said...

Sydney is also for me the first name to come to mind. But is it the capital? Not sure. Will look it up now.....

scraphappy said...

I would have guessed Sydney as well which is my daughters name or Melbourne which is the city in Florida where we live. Never would have gotten the right answer which I already googled to be sure about.

Amy Laura said...

Well, I'm from the US, have been lucky enough to visit Australia, and loved it. I would think most people think Sydney, so that must not be it....OK, I looked it up and I've never even heard of the city that came up! I won't give it away for others reading comments, but I did not know!

Michele said...


SewLindaAnn said...

I would think Sydney, because it's the place I've read most about. Now I have to go look it up.

bairdmtn said...

My first guess would be Sydney, but I imagine it is something else!! I resisted the urge to Google because that would be "cheating!! Ha Ha!! By the way, your block is beautiful!!

Linda V said...

Canbera (not sure on spelling) is my guess. AND it is a GUESS. I think I read it somewhere... Thanks for the giveaway

Purl Buttons said...

I think people say Sydney or Melbourne--the Opera House, yes? It is Canberra, though, isn't it? Thanks Ms. Logsdon, grade 4 geography. If I am wrong, don't tell her. She will be disappointed.

Dana Gaffney said...

I think it's Melbourne, but now you have me wondering. I'm off to google after this. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Canberra. Thanks for the chance to win. BTW I LOVE your block.

Anonymous said...

Sydney is the capital. Yvonne's Mystery is simply beautiful. She is very talented. Takes a lot of patience to make flying geese. I do admire her. The blog tour has been fun with a lot of creative blocks to make. Thanks for a chance to win.

Sandi T.

Kris said...

I think it's Melbourne. congratulations on being in the magazine. I love your block.

Linda said...

Canberra. I remember learning all the world capitals way back in elementary school. Thanks for chance to win.

gill said...

I think it's either Canberra or Sydney but I'm not sure!!

mblittle5 said...

I think it's Canberra isn't it? I have a friend from Australia, so I think this is right. Love your block.

Anonymous said...

I voted Canberra. I seem to remember this as one of those strange trivia bits somewhere in my past.
Candy Soehren\

Frewgal said...

my guess is Melbourne.

JoyceLM said...

I think it's Canberra, but... Love your block. Thanks for the chance to win.

Frewgal said...


sandrascraftcorner said...

I think most people will say Sydney but it is actually Melbourne.

Glenna said...

I would guess Canberra - my husband helped - do you know the capital of Canada?

Grandma Shell said...

I should know this, Austrailia is my daughter's favorite country. In fact she did quite an extensive report that I helped her with. Sydney comes to mind but then Melbourne is twitching the brain cells also. Am I close LOL

Kathy H said...

I thought Brisbane was the capital but had to look it up and Canberra is the capital.

Lee Ann said...

I am not 100% sure; but, I think it's Canberry. Or is it Canberra? I never could remember the correct spelling! And the only reason why I remember this city is because I think "can of berries" (which I would love). LOL. :-)

Jennifer Padden said...

I know the capital is Canberra because I work with an Aussie in Texas. Thanks for the opportunity.

Debbie said...

I think it is Sydney... mostly because that is the one city name I remember. Been a long time since I was in school.. Your block is going to be one of my favorites.. I have all the other magazines and will add volume 4 for sure.

Judy said...

I think Sydney is the most common one people think but I believe it is Melbourne. Your block is striking. Congratulations.

Diane said...

I believe the capital is Canberra, even though Sydney is probably the most well-known city of Australia.

Fabulous block, by the way! It caught my eye immediately and it is on my list of must do this year!

Diane said...

I believe the capital is Canberra, even though Sydney is probably the most well-known city of Australia.

Fabulous block, by the way! It caught my eye immediately and it is on my list of must do this year!

Debbie said...

I am guessing Sydney, but I am thinking that is what everybody would say. I will definitely have to look it up so that I will know.

Cathy said...

I'm not sure what the capital is but would guess Sydney or Pirth. Thanks for the chance to win. Hugs

Marilee said...

I'm guessing Melbourne. I will google this after to find out.

Julie said...

I think the capital of Australia is Canberra..Hope I'm right. :-) I would LOVE to win a copy of 100 Blocks!

Diane said...

Maybe the capital is Melbourne, but I really think it is Canberra. I'm pretty sure it is not Sydney. I'd love to visit Australia someday. My uncle was there many years ago, and always spoke highly of the country and its citizens.

Carrie P. said...

I am guessing Sydney too because that is what I have always heard.
Love your block and that quilt is excellent. I would never have attempted it at just 3 years of quilting.

aztel2000 said...

Okay, with out looking it up I am guessing Perth--the first city that came to mind--sorry if I am wrong!
Your block is awesome--I have always wanted to make a feathered star quilt--this may get me going.
Karen in Breezy Point

Kathy in GA said...

Hi - Canberra is the national capital...which I didn't get to visit on a 10 day trip to AU, I was just in Sydney, and didn't get to see all of that! I would love to plan another trip and spend at least a month travelling around AU. Canberra is supposed to have beautiful gardens!
I love your block, and can't wait to get my magazine to add to the other 3...and I'll bet that deadline was Halloween!

Beverly R said...

It's Sydney. My husband had a chance to visit Australia before we were married and loved it. His name also gave them something to laugh about, Randy.

Gwen said...

Hmmm..... Geography has *never* been my strong subject- (more of a Math or English girl, I guess ;-), but the first thing that came to may mind was Sydney-- so that would be my guess! :-)Thanks for a chance to win!!!

Beth said...

Is it Adelaide?

quilting queen said...

I guess Sydney too.I love the feathered star block.

swheatsue said...


Happy Cottage Quilter said...

I was going to say Sydney or Melbourne, but I know that is not right ;-) Thanks for such an insightful post.

Stephanie said...

If it's not Sydney, it must be. . .Canberra? I have dozens of cousins who were born and raised around Melbourne. Great country, great block!

suz said...

I always thought it was Sydney until my son told me it was Canberra. Who's right?

valerie boudier said...

Canberra - but although I live in Wales I was brought up in NZ

BeachQuilter said...

I should remember this as my nephew was married there (years ago)I want to say Canbera? Unfortunately we couldn't attend but visiting Australia and NZ are at the top of our travel list.

wendy said...

I'm thinking it's Sydney but that's just a guess. I have always wanted to visit Australia so maybe I better learn a bit more about it. Thanks for a chance to win!

Anne said...

Canberra. I learned world capitals in 7th grade. Hope I haven't forgotten. My niece, her husband, and their baby visited Australia for a few months a couple of years ago. My great-niece learned how to walk during that visit! I hope to travel to Australia some day. One of my favorite movies, "The Last Days of Chez Nous" is set in Australia.

Cheryl Willis said...

I alwyas thought it is Cambarra, but I guess Sydney get more attention from tourists.

cheryl from MO, USA

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

Just guessing.....Melborne

Linda said...

I think the capital is Canberra.
I love your block! The little, tiny pieces really appeal to me. I like working with small pieces rather than large.
Linda in Southern Illinois, USA

Quilter In Paradise said...

well, Canberra, but doesn't each area have a capital, too?

WoolenSails said...

I admit, I didn't know until I looked it up;)
My brain doesn't work too well today, so all that came to my mind is Queensland.


kt said...

Canberra! Great block, by the way!

Joanna said...

I'm guessing it must not be Sydney or else you wouldn't be asking the question. I admit to not knowing much about Australia even though I follow several bloggers there. Now, compliments on your block.

Quilting with Jannette said...

As far as I know, Canberra is the Australian capital...

Kathy M Boice said...

I honestly do not know. I guess I could cheat and look at the other posts to make my guess, but I'd rather be honest. I would still love to have a chance to win this wonderful Magazine.

annmarie said...

I'm going to guess Melbourn but I'll bet that's not right as it is too common & your blog post makes it sound less well known. Now I'm going to go look it up as I'm embarassed that I don't know it! I just love your block - one of my favorites so far. Thanks for the chance to win Vol.4!

Gretchen said...

Canberra is the capitol city. I bet most people think it's Sydney (the most populous city).

Madeline said...

Is it Sydney? Or else I've heard of someplace called Capitol City.

Catia from Italy said...

I think is Canberra, so far from here.I live close to Milan, Italy.
I love your block!

Amanda said...

Canberra??? I've never been to Australia, but would love to go sometime!

LizA. said...

Canberra. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this block!!! I will definitely be making this block.

LizzieHelen said...

My first thought was Sydney. Next was Canberra (which I looked up via Google). I actually never thought of Melbourne at all. I'm so unknowledgeable about other countries.

Mary said...

Canberra is a the capital of Australia. Thanks for a chance to win. Love your block!

Nancy Sue said...

Hello, from the near the capital of the US :) (actually just outside Washington DC). My guess is Canberra, because I always remember a CAN of cranBERRies. But if you ask me the capital city of Turkey, I'm probably going to say Butterball :)

Nancy said...

It's Canberra!!! We visited the Parliament building and War Memorial while on a tour of Australia, and that's the ONLY reason I know the answer. This is an interesting poll - it'll be neat to see how many people know.

Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

scarlette said...

dang i wish my husband was here, he knows everything - i thought your capital city was the one with that beautiful building that looks like flying geese to me or flying nuns. i would love to see your country and wonder how you all produce so many wonderful quilters.

The Village Queen said...

Adalaide? Have a cousin who lives there... Its a big country.

Celine said...

Your block is very effective, I love it and thanks for showing the "blue" version from Yvonne, it looks so different. I believe Australia's capital city is Canberra.

Linda in Calif. said...

I've always thought it was Sydney. Now I'm going to go to some research and find out. It would be very sad if most Americans don't know, wouldn't it?
Love your block!!!

Jennifer J said...

My brain came up with "Perth", which I then looked up and found out I was wrong. The only reason I know anything about Australia is that so many quilt and embroidery artists reside there, and I read little tidbits in their blogs.

ritainalaska said...

i think, maybe, brisbane ... but i'm older and my memory isn't too hot. your geese make a very good block. thanx for the opportunity to win a copy of this edition.

LJ said...

I am pretty sure it's not Sydney though it's the name that popped into my mind. Not really sure but my best guess is Brisbane.

Jeanne said...

My guess is Canberra. Really like your block.

Karen said...

i think the capital of Australia is Canberra.

arlette said...

Hmmmm, I know the Aussie Capital's Canberra, wish I can go there :)

Marianne said...

My quess would be Canberra or Melbourne. I love your block, it is beautiful. Thanks for the chance to win.

Sallie said...

I didn't know, so I did look it up. I figured it couldn't be Sydney, but thought maybe Queensland. Thanks for the geography lesson and the giveaway!

sdgodfrey said...

I confess I did not know, but now I've looked it up and I know for the future. At least as long as I can remember it! :-)

C said...

Canberra is the capitol of Australia.

jillquilts said...

I did look up the capital, but before I did that, I would have guessed Melbourne from your list. Silly me! :) LOVE your block and that blue star quilt is awesome!

Janet said...

Ha - I should know but I don't. I don't think it is Sydney, maybe it is Adelaide or Canberra.

Julie in WA said...

Daughter called out Sydney!
Husband called out Perth!
I...have no idea.

Debbie said...

Love your block and the beautiful quilt.

Sara said...

I have to tell you that I would have said Melbourne - but seeing the correct answer was interesting. Now I learned something new today!

Your block is pretty.

nhsarab at yahoo dot com

Maria Kievit said...

I did cheat, after reading all the blogs just to makes sure. I was wrong with my own guess, though. I was thinking Sidney.

roseann said...


Cindi said...

The capital of Australia is Canberra. We have a friend that was in the Navy years and years ago and he always tells us what the capital is. Love your block, it's beautiful!

quiltmom said...

I was very sure that it was not Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth or Sydney but then I was drawing a blank. When I saw Canberra- I was pretty sure it was the capital even without checking it out.
It is funny what we know/ don't know about the world around us-
I wonder if others would know the capital of Canada? I would be hard pressed to name some of the European capitals - a fun little puzzle. Thanks for the chance to win such a nice magazine.
Warmest regards,

Lyn said...

Sheesh...I have trouble remembering the capitals of the states here in the US. The city that comes to mind is Sydney, but I'm not sure that's right...(and once I post this, I'm going to google and find out!)

Lori L said...

I am guessing Canberra but had to google it to find that. I would have originally guessed Sidney. I guess I need a geography lesson refresher. Thanks for the chance to win.

Carla G said...

I would have guessed Melbourne, but know it's not right. Love your block! Thanks for a chance to win! :)

Anonymous said...

Majority seem to favor Canberra-so I will go with that. Many years ago I could name all the world capitals, then there came more countries and I gave up!

Bev (

Barb said...

I live in the USA and believe that Canberra is correct answer.

Peach Rainbow said...

All this time I thought it was Sydney, but now I know that it is wrong :(
Thanks for the chance!

blacklabcrafts said...

Geography - something I love as much as quilting - it's Canberra.

sandi said...

Aim as aussie living in Canada so know which answer is right. On the other hand I grew up in Melbournr and like that some people think we should be the capital. Like your block Cinzia

Erika said...

Love your block!
Canberra is the capital of Australia.

dwright33055 said...

Sydney, would love to visit someday

Cecilia said...

I thought it was Sydney too. I love your block!

Donna Joy said...

Canberra, love your block in blues. Thanks for sharing a giveaway.

marieinaugusta said...

I think the capital of Australia is Sydney, but I've been wrong before. lol anyway I love your block! I am going to do a feathered star one day!

Bente-I like to QuiltBlog said...

Canberra is the capital of Australien, wich I haven´t visit yet, but I´ll love to!
Yor block is lovely!
Thanks for the chance to win!
Bente - from Germany wich capital is Belin and I was born in Denmark wich capital is Kopenhagen ☺

Tinliz said...

Sorry, I do not know the name of your capitol city. But I do like your block.

hollylv62 said...

I feel bad that I have no idea. I would guess Sydney and will look it up after I leave this post. When a quesiton like this is asked, it makes me wonder why I do not know and I guess if I'm every asked again, I will know the answer.

shortseam said...

The name that popped up is Sydney. I am not sure that I this is correct just the first thing that popped in. After this I will look up the answer!! he he

kwiltnkats said...

I sure would have thought Syndey, just like a lot of us. I did look it up though and learned its Canberra. Some day I'd love to visit Australia. Sandi